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Showing posts from July, 2018

LCD in Arduino

In this project we have a 16*2 LCD with Arduino. There are some special simple commands if you want to write a statement in LCD. First you have to add #include <LiquidCrystal.h> library for using LCD and then by some simple commands as described in the program you can write on it. here is the program in Arduino:

LM35 temperature sensor with Arduino

This project is about measuring the temperature with LM35. LM35 is a quite an accurate temperature sensor with good precision.There are two different ways for wiring LM35 and if you see the manual you will find that.I used the first wiring structure. Temperature is displayed on 4 digit 7 segment. Download link:

Distance measurement with ultrasonic sensor using Arduino Uno

This project is about measuring the distance between an ultrasonic sensor and a surface. HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic sensor with 4 pins. Two for + and - of the supply. Trigger pin which is responsible for emitting ultrasonic waves and echo pin which is used for receiving waves. Download link: