In this project I want to show you how a digital clock can be designed with AVR micro controllers . Atmega16 chip has 3 internal timers that get their pulses from micro frequency clock unit that can be an external oscillator or internal clock. But for precision I recommend you using the external clock. This clock is not just a clock, it can be a chronometer with the precision of showing 1 percent of a second and hold unlimited time. It is also a calendar for the year of 2016 And the most interesting feature is it has alarm and you can set your alarm. for this I used a speaker that plays a song on alarm's time. You can set the time and date with push buttons and run the chronometer with the buttons on the left. This picture is about it's clock state: Chronometer mode is here: Simulation in Proteus: here is the HEX file code exported from Codevision: here is the codes in notepad: https://drive.g...
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