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Showing posts from February, 2019

DC motor with L298N driver by ATmega16A

This project is about connecting a DC motor to ATmega16A. I used a variable resistor connected to A7 as an analog reference for controlling motor speed. PORTD.7 is used as a PWM port and it is connected to L298N driver ENABLE pin. We can not connect the motor directly to our micro controller because micro controller's ports are not strong enough to provide that amount of current for motor. I wrote my codes in Arduino IDE, that means I did not use codevision and do all my programming in Arduino IDE and then exported HEX file and transfered it into ATmega16A. There is a simulation in Proteus. Download link:

Serial communication between two Arduino

This project is about how to connect two Arduinos (Nano,Uno) to each other using serial communication. There are a few functions in Arduino that you can use to run the serial communication. I used Arduino Nano as the sender and Arduino Uno as the receiver. A keypad is connected to the sender and data has been reading by Nano and then will be sent to Uno. Thorough a 16*2 LCD I displayed what was typed on the keypad. There is a simulation available in Proteus. Download link:

Blinking LED by STM32F103C8T6

This post is about running a blinking LED with STM32F103C8T6. This code was written in MDK Version 5 - Keil. I used a transistor as a driver to prevent MCU from over current cause ARM CPUs work with 3.3v and can not provide high current output. I uploaded program with ST-LINK programmer. Delay is 500 ms and you can change it in the program. There is a simulation in Proteus. Download link:

Write on 7-segment with 74LS48 by Arduino Uno

This post is about writing numbers on 2-digit 7-segment with 74LS48. The advantage of this IC is that you do not need to build numbers by yourself, this IC will do it so you will be able to use only 4 ports of Arduino ( instead of 7 ports if you want to create numbers manually). Probably, you may have restriction at the number of ports available, in this case 74LS48 can be used. There is a simulation in Proteus. IC information was taken from datasheet. Download link:

Write on 4-digit 7-segment with keypad by Arduino Nano

This post is about how to use a keypad for writing on 4-digit 7-segment. The program can be used when you want to add number to your program. I keep the number into a variable and also it can be seen on your 7-segment at the same time. I did not use any special 7-segment IC driver and it is running just by refreshing all the time. You can also clear the number and add it again. Download link:

Decimal calculator with Arduino Nano

This project is about how to build a calculator with Arduino. It supports + - * / operations with decimal numbers. two line 16*2 LCD shows what is typing. Download link: